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 Indian Treaties  
Cherokee people of Lawrence County and North Alabama were unfairly treated through agreements
 Indian Treaties  
 with the United States. Between 1791-1819, the united States forced or bribed the Cherokee into 
 making twenty-five treaties which took their land. Before the end of the 1830's, the United States has 
 raken all Cherokee land east of the Mississippi River, which consisted of over 50,000 square miles.
March 17, 1775 
Treaty of Sycamore Shoals-Kentucky and middle Tennessee were sold to the Transylavnia Company
November 28,1785
Treaty of Hopewell- Articles III describes the boundary line between the Indians and the citizens of I
 the United States.
October 2, 1798
1 st Treaty of Tellico- Cherokees ceded land north of Little Tennessee River forcing more of their 
 people to migrate south and west into Alabama.
Georgia Compact of 1802
The United States paid Georgia $1,250,00.00 for their Western lands and agreed to obtain land title 
 Indian Treaties  from the Cherokees.
October 25 &27, 1805
"Wafford Settlement"- The Cherokees ceded in two treaties a large tract of land in Central Tennesss 
 and Kentucky with the United States paying$15,600.00 plus and annuity of $,3,000.00, Article IV 
 authorized construction of Gaines Trace through Lawrence Co., Alabama.
January 7, 1806
Cotton Gin Treaty- the Cherokee ceded a large part of land north of Tennessee River, which 
 consisted of nearly 7,000 square miles in Tennessee and Alabama, for $10.000.000 a grist mill and a 
 cotton gin, and $100.00/year for Black Fox. The cotton gin was probably for Melton's Platation 
 since a cotton gin was noted by Anne Royall on January 14, 1818, at  Melton's Bluff.
September 11,1807
Supplemental Treaty to Cotton Gin Treaty- this treaty extended and defined the cession boundaries  
 as Elk River to the west and the Tennessee River and Tennessee Ridge to the south and north. It also   
 gave the Cherokee hunting rights until white settlement and $2,000.00 in expenses.
August 9, 1814
Treaty of Ft. Jackson- The Creeks ceded Lawrence County land south of High Town Path which lies   
 along the Leola and Ridge Roads. The first white settlement near Haleyville, was made by Richard 
 McMahon in 1815.
March 22, 1816
This treaty clarified the Cherokee-Creek boundary between the Coosa and Tennessee Rivers by 
 recognizing Cherokee land claims south of Tennessee.
September 14, 1816
Turkey Town Treaty- The Cherokees ceded all claims south of the Tennessee River and west of 
 Chickasaw Island in the Tennessee to the junction of the Willis Creek and Coosa River at Gadsden. 
 The cession of 3,500 sguare miles included Franklin, Lawrence Counties & Cataco in Morgan Co., 
 in North Alabama.The Cherokee received $60,000.00 including $5,000.00 for improvements.

July 8, 1817
The Cherokee ceded two tracts on the north bank of the Tennessee River near Muscle Shoals. Two   
 large tracts of land were also ceded. One Tract was in Georgia and the other in east Tennessee. A 
 Cherokee National Council delegation went to Washington to protest the improper methods and 
 influences used in treaty negotiations, but were rejected.
February 27, 1819
The Cherokee ceded in Alabama between the Tennessee and Flint Rivers - One Square mile family 
block. These "Reservees" were Cherokee Indians and mixed-bloods who had accepted reservations 
under previous treaties and were thus citizens of the United States. Technically reserves had given up
their rights as Cherokee citizens and became land owners and citizens of the United States.
December 29,1835
Treaty of New Echota- The Cherokees gave up all Indian land claims east of the Mississippi River   
and were forced into removal during 1838-1839.