Chariton County |
The Family Group Sheets, listed below, show the
families who lived in, or passed through,
USGenWeb Project, nor this project coordinator make
any claims or estimates of the validity
of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of
information must be
researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always
best to consult the
original material for verification.
Family Group Sheet for |
Submitted by |
Pat Copeland |
Janyce Anderson |
Janyce Anderson |
Georgia Murray |
Martha Cook |
Helen Mills |
Dawn Smith |
Paula Leber |
Paula Leber |
Jonah Filmore (wife #1) |
Jeff Moore |
Penolope Giacoletti |
Jeanne Crews |
Sally Tomson |
Mary J Milne |
Dawn Smith |
Janyce Anderson |
Virginia Morse |
Judy Young |
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