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Chariton County Courier
08 May 1896
Donated by :  Madeline Reese
Mrs. Margaret Fristoe of St. Louis after spending several days in Keytesville
visiting her daughter, Mrs. A.F. Willis and her brother, Capt. J. C. Carrollton
Wallace, left for Salisbury Wednesday. where she will make a short visit to
relatives and friends before returning to her home.

A gang of 80 men, under foremen, J.P. Kelso and J. G Hall, are at work
on the Wabash railroad, near the Keytesville depot, grading the track
between the depot and the  Muscle Fork railroad bridge. They have been
engaged for sometime in dressing up the track west of Moberly.

S. P. Ewing and son, T. E. R. Ewing, spent last Sunday at Turner, Kansas,
the guest of their brother and uncle, Col. Wm. N. Ewing. Billie Ewing was
formerly a Keytesvillian, but has been in Kansas City and Kansas for a
number of years. He now holds the position of bank examiner of the
state of Kansas.

W. S Hufner was arrested in Brunswick on the 4th inst., on a charge of
running some sort of gambling device, and in default of bond, was brought
to Keytesville by Sheriff Dempsey and placed in jail Friday when he was
taken back to Brunswick to appear before  'Squire Cunningham for trial.

The graduation exercises of the Brunswick public schools took place at the
city hall last Thursday night and are highly spoken of by last week's
Brunswicker (newspaper). There were eight graduates, viz. Misses Carrie
M. Perkinson, Lola Isle Minoma, B. Kennedy, Alice Smith, Laila Bailey,
Addie Griffin and Messrs. Chas. W. Baker and Robt. H . Locke.  The
diplomas were presented to the graduates by Judge L. H. Herring,
president of the board of education and presiding justice of the county
court. Appropriate oratory was indulged in by Rev. J. O Edmonston,
Capt. Louis Benedke and Prof. D. K. Thomas, the last named
gentleman being principal of the Brunswick public school.

The January adjourned term of circuit court, which convened at Salisbury
last Tuesday, resulted in the continuance of all the cases set for trial, with
the exception of the divorce suit of Maggie Kunz vs. William Kunz and
in this case Hon A. W. Johnson was elected a special judge to try it on
Wednesday. The plaintiff was divorced upon payment of costs and restored
to her maiden name, Maggie Syms. No alimony was asked for by plaintiff,
neither were there any children that figured in the case. It was just a plain
divorce suit without any incumbrances to plaintiff save the name of Kunz.

We had a call from our good friend, Uncle Bill Allega, of the Forks of
Chariton yesterday. He went up to Carrollton to the hanging of William
Taylor.  Uncle Bill was not expecting the presence of a pickpocket on such
an occasion as the haning of a bad man for his misdeeds. But the light
fingered gentry were there, nevertheless, and got away with Uncle Bill's
filthy lucre to the amount of $10, his pocketbook and round trip ticket.
Attempts were made to rob others, but the efforts were not succesful,
so far as is known.

There was a shooting affray at Brunswick last Monday, circus day,
between Oscar Winkler and Oscar Wiley, both of whom belong in the
neighborhood of Bosworth in Carroll county.  It seems in this case there
was a woman, with whom Wiley had been living, but who had been keeping
company with Winkler of late. Wiley had been in Brunswick for several
days, doing somje painting. Winkler came down there show day, when he
and Wiley engaged in a quarrel. Wiley struck Winkler when Winkler drew
a gun and shot at Wiley, the ball passing between his arm and breast.
Wiley at the report of the pistol sank down as though mortally wounded.
He was subsequently carried away by two men but all the time made a
terrible racket as though suffering the tortures of a painful wound, but
was not hurt. Winkler was arrested and gave bond for his appearance
before 'Squire Cunningham today, Friday, for trial. His carrying a
concealed weapon may cost him something.