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Chariton County Courier
12 February 1897
Selected Abstracts
Donated by :  Madeline Reese
Mr. W. O. Fray, who has been living on the farm of "Uncle Burgess" Davis for the past year
has rented the farm of Henry Harkelroth, near Prarie Hill and expects to move to same in a few days.

Salisbury's Bachelor Girls Club take off their hats when they go to the theatre which leads us to
believe that they are more considerate of the rights of other people than are a great many of their
sex who are not bachelors.

Judge J.B. White of near Huntsville,was here last Monday and made final settlement with the
probate court of his accounts as administrator of the estate of his fhater, D.B. White. The
Courier adknowledges receipt of a pleasant call from the judge.

Our indefatigable township tax collector, M. L. Finnell, reports that collections so far this year
have been quite as good as last year, that is on the average. His December 1896 settlement
showed an increase over last year, while his January 1897 footings show a somewhat smaller
amount that in January 1896.

Mr. Samuel Bailey and family, who have lived near Keytesville for the past three years, will
leave about March 1st for Randolph county where they will cultivate the 200 acre farm of Wabash
Roadmaster Hainds, seven miles northeast of Moberly. Mr Bailey is a good citizen and farmer and
we regret to lose him and his clever family from our county, but our loss will be the gain of our
Randolph neighbor.

Mr. M. T Davenport, the kind hearted, popular and efficient superintendent of the county poor
farm, probably through force of habit in looking after the county's poor, called last Saturday and
presented the "poor" editor with a large roll of very fine sausage. May his shadow never grow less,
and may ours combine to increase as it has since Mr. Davenport's presentation last Saturday.

Dr. J.C.Farmer & Son, late of Pineville, McDonald County, MO, have opened a stock of clothing,
gents' furnishings and boots and shoes in the large store room recently occupied bu Messrs. Trammel
and Kasey of Salisbury. The senior member of the new firm was formerly treasurer of McDonald
County and abandoned the practice of medicine to look after McDonald county's strong box. Both
gentlemen come to Salisbury with the best of endorsements both as to their business and social

The 2 year old daughter of Robert Young, near Marshall,  Saline county, died last Tuesday from
drinking a half cup of coal oil, given by mistake for water.

We are sorry to hear that F.J. Ellis is quite sick with pneumonia at the residence of his mother,
Mrs. S.C. Davis, near Chraneville, but hope for an early recovery.

Ex-Public administrator B.F. Moore, of Salisbury, has been looking after business matters in
probate court this week.

Mrs. Ben Hayes, of near Shannandale, who has been very ill of pneumonia lately, was able to
sit up last Tuesday.