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Chariton County Courier
21 May 1897
Donated by :  Madeline Reese
The farmers say that the wheat is infested with chinch bugs, which will
prove destructive when the eggs they are now depositing will hatch and
the young bugs begin to prey upon the wheat, especially this will be the
case should the present drouth (sic) continue.

Dr. A. C. Seiser and wife are rejoicing over the arrival at their home of a
bouncing 10 pound boy that put in an appearance Sunday afternoon. May
the bright and peaceful day of his advent prove a happy augury of a life
that shall bring comfort to loving parents and blessing to a world in need
of good men.

George Mackay, a prosperous farmer living six miles north of town, finished
Monday delivering something near 400 bushels of wheat at the Keytesville
Roller Mills, which he sold at 90 cents per pound. George says he sold a
little too soon--thinks possibly he would have gotten a dollar if he had hold
on a little longer.

Dr. "Dick" Grinstead came up from St. Louis Saturday night, arriving on the
early morning train for a brief visit to his mother and sister. He returned to
his dutues as surgeon for the Wabash at St. Louis by the 9 o'clock express
Sunday night. Until the last week the doctor has been located in Chicago
but the company having lately transferred headquarters to St. Louis, he is
now there with office at 4th and Washington Avenue.

Henry Sasse, one of the most extensive farmers in Bowling Green township,
was in town Wednesday and reports that not more than one half the usual
acreage of wheat for his community will be harvested this year and that part
will fall far below the average for past years in yield. Sasse Bros., of whom
he is one, sowed 240 acres of wheat last fall, but this spring plowed up 125
acres of that amount and planted to other crops. The part remaining in wheat,
Mr. Sasse thinks, will make a fairly good crop.

Mrs. D. J. Nichols of this place performed a surgical operation on an old hen
a few days ago that entitles her to be ranked among the scientific users of the
scalpel.  She was the owner of a barn yard fowl that had a much enlarged
crap, the cause of  which Mrs. Nichols determined to investigate. To do this
she opened the crap with a sharp knife and found it to contain a piece of glass
a half inch long, a four penny nail, a good sized pebble, a No. 22-cartridge
shell and some feathers, all of which were carefully removed, after which the
crap was sewed up and the old hen turned loose, and permitted  on her way
rejoicing. She has since fully recovered.

Jno. Austin, recently married, living four miles northeast of Mendon, had his
residence burglarized by a tramp or tramps, last Sunday while he and his wife
were visitng the family of W. E. Seals, a near neighbor. The thief got a lady's
gold watch and chain belonging to Mrs. Austin, four gold finger rings and a
necklace, a silver butter knife and a few other articles of silverware, presents
from friends of the couple upon their marriage and on which were inscribed
the letter "A". No one has as yet been captured, but it is believed the man
who committeed the burglary got a lunch at the Monarch hotel in Mendon
Sunday night about 8 o'clock.

We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to be present at the commencement
exercises of the senior class '97, of Liberty Female college, Liberty MO., to be
held June 30th proximo. Miss Elsie Holcomb, the accomplished daughter of Mr
and Mrs. M. H. Holcomb of this place, is among the number of those who will
complete her collegiate studies with the closing session.  Besides her there are
six literary, three scientific and one classical graduate and a goodly number in
piano and vocal music and two in elocution.  This institution enjoys a state
wide reputation for the thoroughness of its curriculum and the proficiency
of its students, and we congratulate our fair townswoman on winning a
diploma from so distinguished an institution.

Sterling Price, road overseer for the  Hill's District, south of town, Tuesday
did some good work on the east approach of the new bridge across the Chariton
on the Keytesville and Salisbury road. There being no money in the township
treasury to pay for the hire of teams, a hand and team was furnished for the
purpose of this work by each of the following named public spirited citizens:
Sterling Price, Wm . H. Taylor, Sam Allega and  Milt Finnell.  The bridge is
now ready for public traffic on the east side, but an obstacle meets us on
this side in the refusal of L. M. Applegate to permit the grading of the
approach or the changing of the old road over his land, so as to reach the
bridge.  It will take some time to remove this obstacle as it will be necessary
to get up a petition for the change of the road and the condemnation of a
right of way for the new.  The petition and notices will be ready for
presentation to the township board at its next meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bushnell, Jr., of five miles northwest of town, are the
proud parents of a fine boy, who put i his appearance at their house last
Monday afternoon.  All are getting on nicely except "Grandma" Bushnell,
the estimable wife of John Bushnell, Sr., who was rather uneasy until she
saw that we had added "Jr." to the name of the happy parents, hence she
too, is now "doing well".

Landy Sneed, mine host of the Sneed hotel and and bud dog fancier, was
considerably excited Sunday afternoon when he returned from a drive with
his family to discover that a litter of eight fine pointer pups had mysteriously
disappeared from their usual bed.  They were finally found, hid under the
house, where the mother had carried them to avoid the stream of children
and lovers of the beautiful in the young canine that aroused the
apprehensions of the careful mother for the safety of her babies.  Landy has
already contracted for the sale of two of the pups at the price of $25 each in
October next after he shall have given them some work and training.

J. T. LaTurno, the new miller at Stacey & Company's Roller Mills, has
rented the Seth Singleton house east of Dr. Egan's and gone to housekeeping.

Geo. W. Conrad, one of our skillful and artistic carpenters, is contracting a
neat and substantial boat for the sons of O. B. Anderson that will be used
by them in their fishing expeditions at the "cut-off".

County Treasurer Knappenberger in a few days, when he shall have
completed a few necessary repairs on the house he late purchased of
Wm E Hill, will remove his family from Brunswick to Keytesville and
cease to be a "Male Widow".

J. E. (Pat) Martin has just completed the school enumeration for the
K. V. S. district.  He found a total of 481 children divided as follows:
White males 162; females 155; colored males 83; females 81. Of these
the part of the district lying north of the township line that runs over Main
Street contained 195 and that part south of the same line 286 children.
The assessed valuation of the district is $279,955. On this there has been
levied for teachers and incidental funds 40 cents each on the $100 valuation,
for sinking fund, 25 cents, for annual interest fund, 20 cents. The estimated
amounts needed for each fund are as follows: Teacher $2800 Incidental
$1120, annual interest $260

The shooting and killing of young Hager by 17 year old Martin at Moberly
last week is the direct result of the infamous practice of carrying concealed
weapons and the little less criminal practice of parents permitting their
young sons to run at will over the country of nights.  Mr. Martin, himself,
says that Charles was in the habit of being out every night nearly he knew
not where, and it seems not to have disturbed him.  Seventeen year old
boys should be at home at night, and not playing at lovemaking to every
silly girl who will listen to their idle speeches. And least of all should they
be permitted to go armed with deadly weapons for the convenient slaying
of unwelcome rivals.