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Hickory Grove News
Donated by :  Madeline Reese

Patrick Riley had the misfortune to lose one of his best work horses.

Miss Mary Riley very leasantly enteratined Misses Alice and Said Barnes on Monday last.

Miss Mattie Elliott, one of Bluff Point's winsome belles, who has been visiting in Kansas City
for a short time, returned home last week.

Mrs. Ellen Thralls nee Clavin and little daughter of Chicago are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs
George Clavin of near Indian Grove at this writing.

Miss Georgia Harper who has been quite sick, we are glad to state is much improved in health, and
was able to attend Sabbath school at Indian Grove last Lord's Day.

Mrs. Walter Glenn and mother, Mrs. Lizzie Williams, visited the former's mother in law, Mrs. Henry
Glenn, last Monday. We are sorry to state Mrs. Glenn's health is much worse.