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Remus Wise


was born in Laurel county, Kentucky, March 10, 1819, was left an orphan at the age of three years, and was reared by Chapman Watkins.  He was married in 1842 to Miss Sarah Grindstaff,  of Knox county, Kentucky, and lived in Laurel county, in that State, until 1851, when he removed to Henry county, Missouri, and in 1873 to Johnson county, same State, where he owned a good farm of two hundred acres, but lost his property on account of the war.  In 1862 he located in Lafayette county, and from there went to Linn county, Missouri, in 1864, where he has since resided, engaged in farming.  In 1878 he settled upon the finely improved farm of eighty acres, which he owns.  Mr. Wise is the father of ten children, six of whom are living; namely, George W., Abram, Catherine, Larkin Louisa E., and J. Bynum.  All of them are married.



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