"What's New" (Updated: Monday, November 19, 2012) ************************************************************************** Thank you to
those who have submitted, and have posted, information for our website. PLEASE
verify that your email addresses are “up-to-date”. Send updates, including old and new
email address, along with the page(s) and title(s) of where the updates need
to be posted, by clicking here ->
-> -> kk... Churches: Laclede-First
Methodist Church, 1940 newsclip ************************************************************************** NEW Marriages added to Home page. ************************************************************************** AGAIN Linda Taylor has outdone herself,
by adding more CEMETERIES to our website ************************************************************************** Again OBITUARIES have been added, to the following: 1. NEW OBITUARIES Index page 2.
Bucklin Herald transcribed by Pamela
Molloy, as well as: 3.
Individual Obituary Submissions. ************************************************************************** Court Records/Courthouse (Revised/UPDATED) ************************************************************************** added: WWI Draft Registration ************************************************************************** 1882: The History of Linn County, Missouri. Find the ‘link’ to this indispensible book,
on the newly revised BOOKS
page. The 1882 web-address is kindly
provided by one outstanding contributor, Cathy Cadd. ************************************************************************** 1912: Compendium of History and Biography of Linn
County, Missouri,
Find the ‘link’ to this indispensible book, on the newly revised BOOKS page. PLUS: 1930 Linn Co., Mo. Plat Maps. ************************************************************************** BOOKS have been added to our Table of
Contents @ HOME page. ************************************************************************** REVISED: The BUCKLIN HERALD Obituaries . The transcriptions have
been kindly transcribed, and submitted
by: Pamela Molloy.
The Obituaries are listed in alphabetical order by Surname, then Given
name. You will see that the some of the
individuals listed are buried in other than ************************************************************************** OBITUARIES for Linn Co., ************************************************************************** RESEARCHER Howard and Sandy Sappington will assist you in your research
efforts in Linn Co., ************************************************************************** 1930
Linn Co., Mo. – Plat Book Maps **************************************************************************
History of (owned by kkfitch) ****************************************************************** ******************************************************************\ Hayes
Cemetery Photographs (Courtesy of Darren Jerome) ****************************************************************** 1840-1860 Index Linn Co., MO (Wills/Probate Surname Listing) Surnames in RED
have detail attached. ****************************************************************** Research findings have been added to the Index. Go check it out, here. Surnames that are underlined and are maroon in color, have
research links that lists research completed. ADD yours now…. ******************************************************************
****************************************************************** Topographic maps of (with
permission of www.topozone.com) ****************************************************************** Surnames added to Surname listing, every week. Great research resource. ****************************************************************** Lookup Volunteers needed. ****************************************************************** 1890 Cenus: Marceline Township, Linn Co., Mo. Special Schedule: Surviving Veterans of the Civil War ****************************************************************** The City of Marceline, by Clarence M. Kendrick ****************************************************************** (to be continued) |