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Pleasant Grove Baptist Association Organization



From 1914 ³Minutes of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Assn. Annual Meeting², p. 24

Source: Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia


Pleasant G[r]ove Baptist church, at her regular meeting in August, 1876, adopted the following resolutions, viz:


            Resolved, that Pleasant Grove Baptist church through her delegates, or letter, call for a letter of dismissal from Wyaconda Association for the purpose of organizing a new Association of the same faith and order.


            In August 1876, Wyaconda Association met and adopted the following resolutions, viz:


            Resolved that any church or churches, ishing to form a new Association be priveleged to do so by lettr.


            In June, 1877, convention of delegates was called to meet [at] Pleasant Grove Baptist church, Scotland County, Mo. Five churches were represented by delegates, at which the propriety of organizing a new association wa considered. After an open and free discussion, the convention unanimously agreed to meet with Pleasant Grove Baptist church by delegates, five from each church, on Saturday preceding the firsts Sabbath in August, 1877, at 10 o¹clock a.m., for the purpose of organizing a new association.


                                                                        THEO. WILLIAMS, Clerk

                                                                        S. F. DAVIS, Moderator



            A convention of delegates from nine churches in Wyaconda Association met with Pleasant Grove Baptist church, Aug. 3, 1877, at 10 a. m., pursuant to adjournment and after sermon by Elder J.W. Kittle, convention organized by electi[o]n Elder J.W. Kittle Moderator and Theo. Williams clerk, after which the following proceedings were had: Organized a new association to be known as Pleasant Grove Association. Adopted the Constitution of Wyaconda Association --- except number of delegates --- amended by substituting six for four. ³Articles of Faith² and ³Rules of Decorum² of Wyaconda Association adopted. Association to meet with Pleasant Grove Baptist church Scotland Co., Mo., on Friday before the 4th Sabbath in Sept. 1877, at 10 a. m.  Elder J.W. Rowe to preach the introductory and Elder J.W. Kittle , alternate. The convention adjourned sine die.

                                                                        THEO. WILLIAMS, Clerk

                                                                        ELD.  J. W. KITTLE, Mod.





                        Church                        Year    Probable County

1st  Session, Pleasant Grove    1877    Scotland County, MO

2nd Session,                             1878

3rd Session, Bear Creek           1879    Clark County, MO

4th Session, Providence           1880    Scotland County, MO

5th Session, Richland               1881    Scotland County, MO

6th Session, Edinburg              1882    Scotland County, MO

7th Session, New Woodville    1883    Clark County, MO

8th Session, Zion                     1884    Scotland County, MO

9th Session, Bethlehem            1885    Clark County, MO

10th Session, Dover                 1886    Scotland County, MO

11th Session, Fairmont                        1887    Clark Co., MO

12th Session, Pleasant Grove   1888    Scotland County, MO

13th Session, Harmony Grove 1889    Knox County, MO

14th Session, Luray                 1890    Clark County, MO

15th Session, Greensburg        1891    Knox County, MO

16th Session, Cedar Grove      1892    Clark County, MO

17th Session, Indian Creek      1893    Scotland County, MO

18th Session, Wyaconda          1894    Clark County, MO

19th Session, Edinburg            1895    Scotland County, MO

20th Session, Memphis            1896    Scotland County, MO (planned)

21st Session, Richland             1897    Scotland County, MO

22nd Session, Rutledge            1898    Scotland County, MO

23rd Session, Bear Creek         1899    Clark County, MO

24th Session, Mt. Zion             1900    Scotland County, MO

25th Session, Pleasant Grove   1901    Scotland County, MO

26th Session, Providence         1902    Scotland County, MO

27th Session, New Woodville  1903    Clark County, MO

28th Session, Dover                 1904    Scotland County, MO

29th Session, Harmony Grove 1905    Knox County, MO

30th Session, Bethlehem          1906    Clark County, MO

31st Session, Edinburg                        1907    Scotland County, MO

32nd Session, Zion                   1908    Scotland County, MO

33rd Session, Cedar Grove      1909    Clark County, MO

34th Session, Wyaconda          1910    Clark County, MO

35th Session, Colony               1911    Knox County, MO

36th Session, Little Zion          1912    Scotland County, MO

37th Session, Oak Ridge          1913    Scotland County, MO

38th Session, Luray                 1914    Clark County, MO




Rutledge          Scotland County, MO